Father, Son, Stone by Allan H. Goodman

Character Chart by Time Period

Historical Characters are in Italics
Minor characters that only appear once or twice are not listed.
The Future – 2035 A.D.
Nuri – the Narrator.
Grandfather (jiddo in Arabic).
The Six-Day War - 1967
Meir Bar-Aben - a young paratrooper (55th Brigade) in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) -
Amos Eitan - the junior intelligence officer in the 55th Brigade
Lieutenant General Mordechai Gur – Field Commander of the IDF; his forces capture the Temple Mount.
General Uzi Narkiss – IDF Central Command
Rabbi Shlomo Goren – Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel
Moshe Dayan – Minister of Defense of the State of Israel
Unidentified Arabic Speaking Man – Comes to the Temple Mount the Night the IDF captures the Old City of Jerusalem
Unidentified Orthodox Jew – Comes to the Temple Mount the Night the IDF captures the Old City of Jerusalem
The Muslim Waqf – the Muslim Authority that has control of the Temple Mount
2014 - 2017
Meir Bar-Aben - has now been appointed the newest member of the Supreme Court of Israel.
Channah Bar-Aben – wife of Meir, mother of Ori, mother-in-law of Sarah.
Ori Bar-Aben – son of Meir and Channah Bar-Aben. Husband of Sarah Bar-Aben. Killed during bus bombing.
Sarah Bar-Aben – Ori-Bar-Aben's widow; daughter-in-law of Meir and Channah
Tamar – Channah Bar-Aben's sister.
Esther - the Bar-Aben's cat
Amos Eitan – is now a Mossad agent
Elie Heifitz – Chief Justice (President) of the Supreme Court of Israel Ruth – Justice Bar-Aben's Secretary
Hassan ibn Sadik – suicide bomber who kills himself and Ori Bar-Aben when he detonates a bomb on a bus.
Prime Minister Ezer Zadok – Prime Minister of Israel – he was a paratrooper in the Six-Day War, wounded during combat.
Amran – Prime Minister Ezer Zadok's personal security guard – assigned to protect Justice Bar-Aben later in the story
Hiram Aitza – Director of the Israel Museum
Zara and Hamid – married couple - residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan

2014 - 2017 
Meir Bar-Aben - has now been appointed the newest member of the Supreme Court of Israel. 
Channah Bar-Aben– wife of Meir, mother of Ori, mother-in-law of Sarah. 
Ori Bar-Aben– son of Meir and Channah Bar-Aben. Husband of Sarah Bar-Aben. Killed during bus bombing. 
Sarah Bar-Aben– Ori-Bar-Aben's widow; daughter-in-law of Meir and Channah 
Tamar – Channah Bar-Aben's sister. 
Esther - the Bar-Aben's cat 
Amos Eitan – is now a Mossad agent 
Elie Heifitz– Chief Justice (President) of the Supreme Court of Israel Ruth – Justice Bar-Aben's Secretary 
Hassan ibn Sadik– suicide bomber who kills himself and Ori Bar-Aben when he detonates a bomb on a bus. 
Prime Minister Ezer Zadok – Prime Minister of Israel – he was a paratrooper in the Six-Day War, wounded during combat. 
Amran – Prime Minister Ezer Zadok's personal security guard – assigned to protect Justice Bar-Aben later in the story 
Hiram Aitza– Director of the Israel Museum 
Zara and Hamid – married couple - residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan 
Mumtaz and Khadijah – Zara's parents 
Samir ibn Abdullah – the muadhan (the one who calls to prayer) of al-Aqsa mosque. A resident of the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. 
Rabbi Ashur Avidan– Resident of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. 
Leah Avidan– Rabbi Ashur Avidan's wife 
Jacob Avidan– son of Rabbi Ashur Avidan and Leah Avidan 
Fatima al-Fawzi – a professor of Islamic History at Hebrew University. A witness during the secret hearing. 
Umm Tawfiq– grandmother of Fatima al-Fawzi 
Agents Aleph and Bet (Aleph and Bet are the first two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet) - two security agents who are following Channah and Sarah, and watching Zara. 
Aaron Kragen– former Mossad sayan– messenger from the United States 
Rita – Hiram Aitza's assistant at the Israel Museum 
Mr. Haskell – Curator of the Freer Gallery in Washington, D.C. 
Joshua Galilee – follows Aaron Kragen from New York to Israel 
The Zion Baptist Temple Group – Church Group traveling to Israel ; Reverend Crosby; Amy; The Masons 

70 AD The Roman Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple 
Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakai70 AD – member of the Sanhedrin – ancestor of Rabbi Ashur Avidan. An ancestor of Rabbi Ashur Avidan. 
Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Eliezer – Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai's students 
General Flavius Vespasian ( later Emperor Vespasian of Rome) - Commander of the Roman Army in Judea 
Titus – son of Vespasian, left in command of the Roman Army when Vespasian became Emperor. Besieged and conquered Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple. 
Sophronius– Patriarch of the Byzantine Church in Jerusalem 634 AD 
The Seventh Century AD The Muslim Conquest of Jerusalem 
Umar ibn al-Khattab – Second Caliph of Islam – conquered Jerusalem 637 AD – cleaned the Temple Mount and built al-Aqsa Mosque. An ancestor of Samir ibn Abdullah. 
Abu Ubayda- General of the Muslim Army 
Ka'ab al-Chabar– Caliph Umar's advisor who was Jewish and converted to Islam. An ancestor of Fatima al-Fawzi .In my story, I have changed various aspects of his life in order to fit him into the story line. 
Moshe ben Abraham (Musa ibn Ibrahim) - Ka'ab's father 
Rabbi Simon ben David - a descendant of Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai and ancestor of Rabbi Ashur Avidan. 
Rebecca – wife of Rabbi Simon ben David  
Deborah – daughter of Rabbi Simon ben David 
Caliph Abd al-Malik – built the Dome of the Rock